Floating Islands - Feliz Navidad

I feel like we jumped into this venture at an odd time of year. Leaving family, friends, pets... (MMSA and Imago Dei) in the run up to the most family-centric season of year :: Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year celebrations has been jarring. We didn't really think that one through, did we? It was an amazing transition for me to have Kelli and Dave on board so soon (thanks guys!!) and it makes me all the more aware how much this live-aboard is a thing to be shared. Mike and I agree, we want to live by "Mi barco es tu barco". We would really LOVE to have SV Calla Lily be your choice of destination for (1) rejuvenation or (2) adventure. (any combination at your request ;-) )

Contemplating connection and community, I was telling a friend that I look out at a crowded anchorage and see many floating islands :: folks on boats that can just be on their boats and not be bothered by anyone, folks on boats that finesse the "sundowner" evenings when you see a couple of dinghys approach nigh on sunset, folks on boats who buzz into the marina dinghy dock and keep kinship with other live-aboards at the coffee shack for cruisers.

I love to say that "I may not be right, but I'm always interesting" because i have fun speculating. So I look out at a crowded anchorage and I contemplate stories about boats (some lived on, some waiting to boarded, some abandoned) and I wonder about our story too, unfolding day by day. Mostly, I really REALLY want to keep a connection with family, friends, all our loved ones... this blog is one effort to that end.

We love you each and all. We miss your precious faces and voices. We draw near in holy-days spirit of abiding love and blessings of peace and joy <3 Floating Islands Feliz Navidad Floating Islands Feliz Navidad (1)